The Hermit
The old man holds the lantern
against the dark.
The light like a tiny sun
reflecting on snow glistening.
Walking slowly
through the castles and
caverns of his mind
the sound of ice crystals
cracking, shifting
bowing under his weight.
His breath like fog rising off a still pond
in the deepest, blackest night.
But still the light
always the light following
til he comes to the cave
there a thousand eyes staring,
a thousand mouths waiting,
all of his memories,
all of his wisdom,
all of his secrets.
Chelsea Rose Ross lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. She is a writer and artist who travels in her van named Ivy across the American West. Currently in a love affair with flash fiction and a poet since the age of fourteen, she’s just recently begun to put her creative work out into the world.
#poetry #poems #dark #flashfiction